Age: 12
Grade: 5
Hometown: Ndola, Zambia
Language: Bemba
Books: Creepy Crawlies by Hans Post and Irene Goede
Do Animals Go to School? by Steve Parker and Graham Rosewame
Lubuto Classification: Stories, Level 2
Short Interview:
Sheadrick: This is a grasshopper.
me: Yes, it is. Why do you want to read Creepy Crawlies?
Sheadrick: Because I can learn something in here. I'm learning to read, and these words are good for me.
me: Do you like bugs, too?
Sheadrick: Yes!!
me: Why do you want to learn to read?
Sheadrick: It is nice. All my friends outside know how to read. Some of them are 14, some of them 9 years. My friend is very good. She'll come here, and you'll meet her.
me: Good, I'd like to meet her. Which book is better, Creepy Crawlies or Do Animals Go to School?
Sheadrick: Creepy Crawlies.
me: Why is it better?
Sheadrick: Because I know more of the words.
me: Last question: who do you think would win in a fight, a grasshopper or a spider?...Stop laughing, I really want to know!
Sheadrick: A spider!
me: I knew it. But grasshoppers are cool, right?
Sheadrick: yes.
me: Can I take your picture? I'm going to put this on the internet. I'll show it to you when it's done.
Sheadrick: Yeah, sure.
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